ALDA Future of Work Collaborative
Join us on Wednesday, July 28 at 11:00 AM Eastern for the next installment of the ALDA Future of Work Collaborative as we focus on current efforts to return employees to the office.
Recent data shows companies the world over are struggling to get back to the office and many are expecting the pace to pick up in September, including some ALDA member companies. Some even sooner. But approaches certainly vary by company and even change fairly regularly, particularly with the recent uptick in cases.
On July 28, we will hear from Waters’ CHRO Belinda Hyde and Thomas Wesley, Waters’ Senior Director of Workplace Solutions, who will detail how their company has approached the return to the office from a scientific perspective, and also their philosophy around the future of work.
You’ll notice more questions during the registration process. To hit the ground running in this session, we’d love your input in advance regarding where your company is in this process, and how you are approaching policies and protocols. Results will be anonymized; your information and company name won’t be shared with anyone. Please take a few minutes to answer these questions! Thank you and see you July 28.
The details again are:
ALDA Future of Work Collaborative
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
11:00 AM Eastern
“The Future of Work: Returning to the Office”
Presented by:
Belinda Hyde, CHRO
Waters Corporation
Thomas Wesley, Senior Director of Workplace Solutions
Waters Corporation
We hope that you will join us on July 28!
The ALDA Team
**Contact Carol Starke ( for registration details.
Members: If you have questions about our meetings, please contact