2022 Virtual Marketing & Sales Executive Conference
ALDA’s Marketing & Sales Executive Conference is tentatively set to meet virtually on Wednesday, March 16 at 11:00 AM Eastern. ALDA members will join with experts from the LINUS Group and the Alexander Group to discuss the latest trends impacting sales and marketing executives in the life science tools space. LINUS Group will set the stage with a focus on the customer’s voice and needs with insights from their recent study and the five forces they predict will influence life science, health and wellness this year. The Alexander Group will follow and share some of their latest research on commercial trends and priorities with a focus on E-Business.
Attendees will then have an opportunity to join a breakout room and do a deeper dive into a presentation topic of their choice.
ALDA Virtual Marketing & Sales Executive Conference
Customer Trends, Commercial Priorities & E-Business
Wednesday, March 16
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
11:00-11:30 AM Eastern
Trends and Insights from Science to Healthcare
Presented by:
- Kristin Apple. President, LINUS Group
- Hamid Ghanadan. Founder, CEO, LINUS Group
11:30-12:00 Noon Eastern
Commercial Priorities & E-Business
- Led by Matt Greenstein, Principal at Alexander Group
12:00 Noon -12:30 PM Eastern
Topic-based breakout rooms, selected during registration. Topics could include:
- Voice of the Customer
- Customer Centricity
- Digital Momentum
- Margin Discipline
- Talent Management
- Goal & Incentive Alignment
- Innovations in digital sales & marketing
- Creating & leveraging content
We look forward to seeing you in March!
Register Here!
Members: If you have questions about our meetings, please contact cstarke@thealda.org.